Friday, February 29, 2008

Is there anything I should to in advance to prepare for a massage?

This depends on the type of massage you are going in for, but generally speaking there is not one thing or another that you MUST do before getting a massage. There are, however, a couple things that may help you benefit a little more from your massage. First off, drinking water leading up to your massage is always helpful. Keeping the body hydrated before bodywork allows for easier manipulation of the muscles and surrounding tissues. It also promotes healthy circulation, which is necessary to remove wastes and toxins released during the massage. It is also a good idea to take a few minutes and become aware of your body. Notice particular areas of stress and tension and make sure to communicate these things to your therapist. This knowledge will help them cater the massage to you specifically. Make sure to keep makeup and jewelry to a minimum as you will want to remove these in order for the therapist to have full access to the musculature and ensure smooth transitions between areas. Aside from this, keep open communication with your massage therapist about pressure and comfort, relax and enjoy your massage.

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